Time for stories: stories! the bookstore.

Bookshelf in the Stories bookstore in Hamburg And since I had to complain in the previous entry times rough, comes here as compensation a place that must be praised: Stories! the bookstore.

Everything has been done right here, so that the pleasant clientele feels good and likes to return often. The store is modern and bright and already the graphic arrangement of the (mostly) hardcover makes you really want books. I did not notice until later what makes the store (even) so special: The books are mostly presented with the cover forward. Instead of deciphering rows of spines with your head tilted and your eyes pinched, you feel more like a gallery. So you do not go with a fixed target to the shelf with the title "Roman A-D" but lets the gaze wander and make us curious about more and more exciting covers. Of course, there are also headlines over the shelves. But you can also be very kindly advised by the dedicated staff.

So that the stay in the gallery bookstore according to the motto "time for stories" may take longer, you have conveniently a huge espresso machine in the thick of it placed, which hisses from home and on. At the counter around it you can loung on comfortable stools, sip coffees for 1.60 euros each and browse the books.

The favorite topic is a small but fine shelf. You can find the usual TV chefs as well as standard works and unexpected little tidbits.

Time for stories: stories! the bookstore.

Of course we have not been without loot:
For me there was "take 3" (I wanted to have that longer) and the child was happy with a Pixibook .

stories! The Bookstore
Straßenbahnring 17
20251 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 432 759 43
Fax: +49 40 432 759 44

E -Mail: [email protected]

Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm